------------------------------------------------------------------------ NED LED OCX Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Northeast Data Corp. All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demo Release 1.0 for 32-bit VB 4.0 users January 1996 This document describes the NED LED OCX Control. CONTENTS CONTENTS 1. Product Description 2. Legal Information 3. Installation <---IMPORTANT 4. Usage 5. Ordering information 6. Release notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Product Description The NED LED OCX Control is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows OLE custom control that provides both analog and digital Light Emitting Diode types of controls. The analog control is a bar type of LED that is commonly seen on stereo equipment. The digital control displays numeric data. It can be used with any host programming environment or application that supports 32-bit OCX controls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Legal Information The purchaser of the NED LED OCX Control is allowed to use it and distribute it in applications without paying any royalty, and without printing or displaying a copyright notice for the control. This only includes distribution of the NLED.OCX control and supporting files. It does not include distribution of documentation that comes with the NED LED OCX Control. The purchaser of the NED LED OCX Control may distribute the control with applications that are networked (multiple users accessing the control from a file server) without paying any license fees to Northeast Data Corp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Installation Create a temp directory on your hard disk and copy all files from the distribution disk to the directory. These files include: README.TXT (This file) NLED.OCX (NED LED OCX) NLED.TLB (NED LED OCX Type Library) FORM1.FRM (VB 4.0 form definition file) FORM1.FRX (VB 4.0 form definition file) PROJECT1.VBP (VB 4.0 Project file) If you have downloaded the NLEDVB10.ZIP file, use PKUNZIP to extract the files into the temp directory. The files listed below are required to use the OCX and demo in this archive. This files can be found in OCX4032.ZIP in the same area as NLEDVB10.ZIP. This files in this archive should be placed in the same directory as the above OCX files. MFC40.DLL (Required for OCX) MSVCRT40.DLL (Required for OCX) OLEPRO32.DLL (Required for OCX) If you already have these files on your system, they are probably located in the System or System32 directory. If this is the case, you probably do not need to download these files again. To register the OCX and DLL files, place all of the above files in the same directory and run the REGISTER.EXE file. A 32-bit Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 example application is provided with the NED LED OCX control. You must have the 32-bit version of Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0 installed on your machine to run this demo. The example application allows you to view both the LED 1 and LED 2 controls interactively. The demo application is not crippled in any way. The dialog specifying that this is an unregistered version of the control does not appear in the release version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Usage PROPERTIES ---------- "Value" The numeric value displayed in the control. "NumPositions" The number of positions (digits) the control can display. "LeadingZero" TRUE indicates unused digits are displayed as zero. FALSE indicates unused digits are displayed as blank. "BackColor" The color of the background the digits are displayed on. "ForeColor" The color of the digits. "ShowDecimal" TRUE indicates that a decimal point will be displayed. FALSE indicates that no decimal point will be displayed. "DecimalPosition" A numeric value that indicates which position will contain the decimal point. For example, 0 = to the right of the ONES position 1 = to the right of the tens position etc... METHODS ------- "AboutBox" Displays the about box for the LED 1 Control. PROPERTIES ---------- "DarkColor" The color of the unlit LED's. "HighliteColor" The color of the highlite portion of the control for 3D shading. "InnerSpace" The amount of space between LED segments. "LEDType" The orientation of the control. TRUE - Vertical Control FALSE - Horizontal Control "Direction" The direction the LED's light up in. TRUE - Reverse direction FALSE - Normal direction "LightColor" The color of the lit LED's. "NumSegments" The number of LED's to display. "Outline" TRUE - Draw a segment outline. FALSE - No Segment outline is drawn. "OutlineColor" The color of the segment outline if it is drawn. "ShadowColor" The color of the shadow portion of the control for 3D shading. "SideSpace" The amount of space between the side of the control and the first LED segment. "Thickness" How thick each segment should be. "Value" The current value of the control. "MinValue" The minimum value of the control. "MaxValue" The maximum value of the control. "BackColor" The background color of the control. "LoLightColor" Color of the lit lobound LEDs. "LoDarkColor" Color of the unlit lobound LEDs. "HiLightColor" Color of the lit hibound LEDs. "HiDarkColor" Color of the unlit hibound LEDs. "LoBound" Low bound coloring area. "HiBound" High bound coloring area. "RoundSegment" TRUE - Draw round segments. FALSE - Draw rectangle segments. METHODS ------- "AboutBox" Displays the about box for the LED 2 Control. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Northeast Data Corp. 2117 Buffalo Rd., Suite 290 Rochester, NY 14624 Phone (716) 247-5934 (voice & fax) E-Mail Internet: ned1@frontiernet.net CompuServe: 71321,3304 Home Page: http://www.frontiernet.net/~ned1/index.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Ordering Information The easiest way to obtain a registered version is to type GO SWREG on Compuserve. The ID for the NED LED OCX is 9082. The ID for the NED LED OCX Source code is 9190. After you provide the information, Compuserve will send us a mail message. We will send you the software. Compuserve will bill you and then pay us. To obtain the software directly from us, send a money order or a check drawn on a U.S bank to the address above. Specify "NED 32-bit LED OCX" and provide your full address. If you provide a Compuserve ID, we can send the software via e-mail. The price of the NED LED OCX control is $89.00US. The price of the NED LED OCX Source is $299.00US. Shipping and handling fees in the US are $15.00US. Shipping and handling fees outside the US are $20.00US. New York State residents must add 8% sales tax. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Release notes Version 1.0 - January 1996 + First commercial release.